openwrt auf ubnt edgerouter x

Der folgende Blogeintrag bezieht sich auf folgenden Wiki-Eintrag1). Damit habe ich erfolgreich openwrt auf einen Edgerouter X geflasht.

Firmware flashen

wget scp openwrt-ramips-mt7621-ubnt-erx-initramfs-factory.tar ubnt@ ssh ubnt@ [ PW = ubnt ] cd /tmp add system image openwrt-ramips-mt7621-ubnt-erx-initramfs-factory.tar

Checking upgrade image...Done
Preparing to upgrade...Done
Copying upgrade image.../usr/bin/ubnt-upgrade: line 509: [: too many arguments
Removing old image...Done
Checking upgrade image...Done
Copying config data...Done
Finishing upgrade...Done
Upgrade completed

show system image

The system currently has the following image(s) installed:
ramips r5484-69d22a6 SNAPSHOT (default boot) 
v1.7.1.4821926.151103.1114 (running image) 
A reboot is needed to boot default image


Proceed with reboot? [confirm][y]
Broadcast message from root@ubnt (pts/1) (Thu Jan  1 01:10:25 2015):
The system is going down for reboot NOW!

Danach das aktuelle openwrt fuer den erx herunterladen 2). Und auf den Router flashen.

scp openwrt-19.07.3-ramips-mt7621-ubnt-erx-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin root@

root@OpenWrt:~# cd /tmp root@OpenWrt:/tmp# sysupgrade openwrt-19.07.3-ramips-mt7621-ubnt-erx-squashfs-sy supgrade.bin Cannot save config while running from ramdisk. killall: watchdog: no process killed Commencing upgrade. All shell sessions will be closed now. Connection to closed by remote host. Connection to closed.

Nach dem reboot ist die aktuelle Version von openwrt installiert.